Research is often undervalued in a company as leaders rely on their own...
Research is often undervalued in a company as leaders rely on their own experiences, their knowledge set, and possibly the knowledge and experiences of others. Surprisingly this can prove to be a...
View ArticleThe quick death of any young company is often the lack of focus on the right...
The quick death of any young company is often the lack of focus on the right areas of their profit and loss (P&L) statement. Established companies can likely get away with a lack of focus and...
View ArticleSome companies operated on a need-to-know basis. And certainly, in some...
Some companies operated on a need-to-know basis. And certainly, in some situations and industries, this may be a necessary position to take with respect to sharing information within a company....
View ArticleAt the core of a company’s success is the knowledge held by its employees....
At the core of a company’s success is the knowledge held by its employees. Providing a culture that nurtures increased employee growth through knowledge acquisition can prove to be one of the greatest...
View ArticleFor a business to be 100 percent effective, it’s leaders/executive team and...
For a business to be 100 percent effective, it’s leaders/executive team and employees must learn to adapt and change to ever-changing, mutable industries. From technologies to target audiences,...
View ArticleTreat Them As You Would Like To Be Treated The best rule of thumb is to treat...
Treat Them As You Would Like To Be Treated The best rule of thumb is to treat your client the way you would like to be treated. The size of the company is not relevant — a one-man shop or a national...
View ArticleDon’t Panic The single most important action should be understanding the...
Don’t Panic The single most important action should be understanding the reason behind the nosedive. Though it sounds elementary, it is surprising how many stakeholders jump to action...
View ArticleDefine Your Wants And Needs Defining your wants and needs is by far the most...
Define Your Wants And Needs Defining your wants and needs is by far the most significant step that should supersede any other. Without a clear outline of the “what, when, and how,”...
View ArticleRemember What You Can Control The only true difference is the perception of...
Remember What You Can Control The only true difference is the perception of the recipient. One can choose to utilize it or choose to take it personally. We have no control over how someone...
View ArticleAdapting The concept of an “agile leader” is an unfortunate subcategorization...
Adapting The concept of an “agile leader” is an unfortunate subcategorization that is both vague and conceptually already covered in servant leadership. Agility, in terms of...
View ArticleTreat Your State Of Mind As a Symptom A negative or positive state of mind is...
Treat Your State Of Mind As a Symptom A negative or positive state of mind is a symptom, not the cause, and should be treated as such. The underlying cause is a matter of world view. Do you choose to...
View ArticleRefine Skills And Practices Stress in a productivity context is a moot point...
Refine Skills And Practices Stress in a productivity context is a moot point because it is a symptom of other issues, including time and task management skills, prioritization, and perception. Stress...
View ArticleWhen a company begins to scale up, it may find itself faced with problems...
  When a company begins to scale up, it may find itself faced with problems it just doesn’t know how to solve. When this happens, it may be time to consider bringing in a Chief...
View ArticleHave you ever had the perfect dinner at your favorite restaurant and the...
Have you ever had the perfect dinner at your favorite restaurant and the waiter brings you the dessert cart? The temptation is real as you stare at those decadent creations but you know you...
View ArticleThere is every chance that at some point in your career you will need to take...
There is every chance that at some point in your career you will need to take on advice on where to take your business. Maybe you will get this from a peer, a previous colleague, or it might be your...
View ArticleAre you wondering whether your business needs strategy consulting vs...
Are you wondering whether your business needs strategy consulting vs management consulting? While at face value they might seem the same, but there are key differences. In this in-depth guide,...
View ArticleLeading a business to success requires a good amount of knowledge about...
Leading a business to success requires a good amount of knowledge about operations and day-to-day tasks. These are what keep your business afloat. But you will likely miss out on market opportunities....
View ArticleThe best process isn’t the perfect one. The best process is one that gets...
The best process isn’t the perfect one. The best process is one that gets used. Once you learn how to avoid the mistakes that lead to impractical procedures, you can implement steps that build a...
View ArticleImagine that you’re training for a new role in another department. You have...
  Imagine that you’re training for a new role in another department. You have their SOPs, and you’re following them to the letter. The issue is that everyone else is not....
View ArticleFor a moment, imagine that you have to show someone how every process in your...
For a moment, imagine that you have to show someone how every process in your company works within 24 hours. Can you do it? Those who said yes probably have one of two things: Incredible luck or...
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